Workshop Title: How the Danish Health Authority are leading the fight against hospital infections and associated rising costs
In early 2015, The Danish government, concerned about the rising levels of HAIs, turned to the Danish Robotic Industry for solutions. At the time, it was generally accepted that Danish hospitals were in urgent need of a better, more cost-effective and less time-consuming alternative to existing room disinfection methods.
Of all the existing methods, it was the opinion of many involved that, UV-C light showed the highest potential to meet the required criteria. However, before UV-C disinfection would be accepted by The Danish Health Authority, a number of issues would have to be addressed:
o Reduction of shadowed areas
o Closer proximity to surfaces
o The quicker turnaround of rooms & operating theatres
o The lower workload for staff
o Creation of room disinfection validation reports.
In 2018, after 3 years of government-funded R&D and testing, the Danish Health Authority received the news they wanted – a solution that met all their criteria
Presented By
Simon Ellison – Product Manager at UVD Robots